
Pošlete cokoli na poetry.com

Howard Ely, Managing Editor


Dear TomᚠGabriel,

I am delighted to inform you that your poem "Machine That Used Me" has been awarded our prestigious Editor's Choice Award because it displays an original perspective and unique creativity -- judged to be the qualities found most in exceptional poetry. Congratulations on your achievement!



Your poem is also featured in a deluxe hardbound edition. This anthology, as expected, will soon be sold out. We have, however, reserved a limited number of copies that are now available only to poets included in this distinctive volume. Because you are one of these poets, we wanted to remind you of its limited availability. If you haven't already ordered a copy or wish to obtain additional copies, this is your last opportunity to do so. Don't miss out on owning this unique edition featuring your poem!

Display Your Poem For All The World To See!

Many people have asked if we can make available a commemorative plaque to present their poetry in formal fashion. We are glad to be able to do this. Your poem can be beautifully typeset on archive quality vellum with your choice of borders, then mounted on a walnut-finish plaque under Lucite. These 10 1/2-inch by 13-inch plaques are truly impressive ways to exhibit your work. They also make wonderful gifts. Please see the attached material for further information. Again, congratulations on your achievement!

Imagine Having Your Poem Professionally Recorded . . .

Every so often, as our Editors review the poems that have been presented our Editor's Choice Award, they personally select a few poems that they believe would have a wonderfully expressive quality if read by a professional reader. Your Editor has suggested that you become one of 33 poets whose artistry will be recorded professionally as a special part of a new CD poetry collection -- The Sound of Poetry.

I would like your permission to include your poem "Machine That Used Me" in this highly acclaimed and internationally distributed collection. The Sound of Poetry, released as a 33-track, three-album CD set (one track for each poet), features an inspiring introduction as a prelude to the selected artistry, as well as a brief commentary about each featured poem and poet. Captivating Baroque music forms the background to the spoken words.

And TomßÜ, if you wish to obtain a copy of this three-CD set, select the option on the Artist Proof where it says “Yes, I wish to own a copy of The Sound of Poetry. I must be completely delighted or my money will be promptly refunded.”

Just imagine how your friends and family will feel when they see this remarkable album set, which comes in three high-quality, colorful protective cases all housed in a distinctive slipcase . . . when they hear your name . . . your words . . . all presented as part of this exclusive collection. These albums will instantly become a treasured keepsake to all who see, hear, and enjoy them.


Howard Ely

Managing Editor

P.S. Go here to commemorate your achievement.

2 komentáře:

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Takový úspěch!!!!! Diplom okamžitě zarámujeme a pověsíme! (jakož i ty ostatní od poetry.com, jeden nikdy nestačí)

dlouhý řekl(a)...

neuvěřitelné..jsou jak tesco...vamývaj mozky, jedou, jak kdyby mluvili s tema nejvetsima blbcema....ale stejne musím je obdivovat. Tohle je Amerika! Na tohle u nás nemáme... Hlavne jak nabizi tu uměleckou nahrávku, kde bude školený recitátor číst tvé básně s tím, že proklady zajistí hodnotná barokní hudba... to je prostě neodolatelné. Myslím, že větší recesi nelze nikde pořídit...čtvrtníček se nechytá. Jsem pro, aby sis to koupil, umělče široký!!!!!!!!